Welcome to, we wish you a pleasant stay. In the interests of keeping the site warm and well-disposed, we only require you to follow one simple rule:
1. Be Nice.
a) Please do not:
- post inappropriate, vulgar, hateful, sexual, discriminatory or offensive content.
- engage in spamming, harassment, flaming, trolling or socially disruptive behavior.
- discuss piracy or unauthorized sharing of content.
- use a signature graphic exceeding 800px width, 100px height and 100kb size.
- discuss moderation decisions in public; send us a PM or email instead.
- repeatedly request or pester members for items, content and/or services.
- register multiple accounts; clones will be promptly removed.
b) In the spirit of maintaining member familiarity, you are encouraged to use your Auran Forums username when registering.
With that said, the team wishes to maintain a light touch guidance in the running of this site. We value your participation on and hope that you will join us in striving to keep this place an enjoyable watering hole for Trainzers and content creators alike by being tolerant, engaging and gracious. Thank you for visiting us and have a nice day!
2. Due to's low profile, new accounts are on manual approval which is checked by an administrator daily or every other day. If your account is not approved within 48 hours it may have been automatically filtered out by anti-spam, in which case please email nic(at)ccrx(dot)us with a short note to have your account approved right away.